Friday, December 3, 2010

Saginaw, What Is Going On? PART 2

So, lately I have noticed this.  There are many young people in Saginaw that do not even know that the "thuggish style" is out of date.  I am going to be a valley girl right now and say "that was so 10 years ago."

Why does not anyone know how to dress anymore? Tall tees, out of style.  Jeans down to your ankles, out of style.  Do-rags in public, out of style.  Boxers fully seen due to your jeans being so low, out of style.  Air Force Ones, definitely out of style. 

Maybe I should clear what I mean by young people.  Mainly 18 and up, but it also trickles down to the high school age.  It is time to grow up and start dressing like the mature age that you claim to be.  Once the 18 and up start setting an example on  how to dress, then the high school students will have someone to look up to and decide to change their style too. 

I know that young people in Saginaw love to go out.  I was talking with  my cousin the other day and this conversation came up.  People in Saginaw hold on to one trend for too long and do not know how to adapt for some reason.  He graduated in 2006 and he informed me that many of the people he graduated with still dress like they are in 2006.  The style has changed and "thug" is not in anymore.  My cousin pointed out to his friends that you cannot dress the way you dress to a club in Saginaw when you are going out  in a city like Detroit.  They have a higher class structure and the clubs are looking for a more mature crowd.  What place has recently put this type of dress code in place?  From what I hear, the Hamilton Street Pub.  Club attire is changing, more mature styles are in place.  I am sorry, but if I owned a club, I would not want baggy draws and jeans in my club either.  Do-rags, hecks naw!  You are 22 years old and need to dress like it.

I can not blame everyone because not everyone has that role model to give them of an example of how they should dress as a man.  While recently out last Christmas, I witnessed the dirtiest looking guys with, of course, baggy jeans, messed up hair, dirty t-shirts, and they did not smell great.  This is not fresh!  I probably would have not looked at these guys with such a stinky face had they had a hair cut, a nice sweater, and jeans with a belt around their hips.   And they say they want a sophisticated, educated woman. Ha! This is not going to happen dressing like the "thug" you claim to be.

While I am on the word "thug," stop this thug life that most of you have probably  been trying to live for 10 years now.  That is also out of style.  Get off your butt, get a job, get an education!  There is nothing better that you can do, but to do something with your life.  Selling drugs, tricking, smoking weed, drinking your life away, and creating babies every pit stop you have is not going to get you anywhere.  Gang life is ridiculous! Better yourself!  I am sorry, but these issues that I am addressing make Saginaw not such a great place to be. 

"Oh, but what about the girls? They like my thuggish life."  I will get to them in another blog!

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